Sunday, January 30, 2011

Smile for Haiti

Hello good people,
In April I am planning to go to Haiti on a mission trip. As you probably know, it gets kind of expensive going out of the country. Since I am only a lifeguard, my funds are pretty low. So, I am turning to my photography skills to bring in some money! All profits from photoshoots from now until april will go straight to my Haiti fund! So, you will get beautiful pictures and you will also be donating to a good cause! :o)
I really and truly feel that my purpose is in missions. It hurts me so bad to see all of the hurt in the world. You should fix things that cause you pain, right? So that is what I should do. The past few years I have found myself asking God "WHY do you let this stuff happen, why are kids dyeing from preventable diseases, why are people starving?" I cannot believe I had the nerve to say this to God. Recently, I had a reality check. I realized God was saying 'Why are you letting this happen in the world?' It was a huge blow. But, it is the reality. We sit here in our comfortable homes, and talk about how horrible the world is. Well, lets get out and help where we can. We may not can change the whole world, but if we can even help a few people it will be great.
I am super excited for everything!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The best day.

Today was the best day. It was altogether perfect and beautiful, for so many reasons. First off, how awesome was the weather? There literally was not one cloud in the sky. It was near 70 degrees. It was tshirt weather, and I LOVE tshirt weather. It was the kind of day that I did not want to be inside. I wanted to be outside and soak up the whole day. To make it even better, my two amazing neices were here for the weekend. Lily and I have spent alot of time painting this weekend. She always asks me about my paintings, so I decided to let her test it out. She makes beautiful work.
Now you may disagree with my statement about how beautiful her art work is. But, if you saw her creating it, you would see the beauty in it too. She was so careful in picking the colors. She thought about every detail, because she wanted it to be beautiful. She was so happy. So, yes.. this picture is beautiful, because every time I look at it I will see her beautiful heart.

I have been trying to squeeze everything I can out of each day. Literally. I get up super early, and I stay up pretty late. Right now, it is 11:30, and I am so tired. But, I want to finish a few things before I go to sleep. I want to do as much as I can, because honestly.. tomorrow is never promised. My whole life I have put things off until 'tomorrow'. These days the only thing I put off until tomorrow is homework. I am not worrying about anything. This past year I have had such bad anxiety issues. When I stopped worrying about everything, life got so much easier. There is nothing I can control in life. God is in control. If I try to stop controlling how everything works, God will work through me and calm me. Everyone should learn to trust in God a little more. Seriously, He WILL take care of you. He works in mysterious ways, but it is always Good.

Today I have been super excited. God's voice has been soo strong this past week. It is like a real voice speaking to me. I know there is something big going to happen in my life. I know I am going to make a big difference somewhere. I am tired of living in a sad fog. I am tired of letting my past hold me down. I am tired of negative attitudes holding me back. I am done making excuses for the way I live my life. Yes, bad things have happened to me,  but being sad about it is not going to help me. I am tired of letting ghosts of everything that I have done haunt me. I am done with it. I cannot live life sad. I want to be overflowing with love and life. I want to help people and give people a reason to smile. I want to make people want to be better. I want to make people want more Jesus. This impulse is just so strong. I know there is something God has planned for me. I am just waiting and listening for the cue.

Here are some photos from today

 over and out--

Friday, January 28, 2011

one day at a time...

So I made this deal with God. (that sounds so weird to say.) But, it is true. I am taking life as it comes. No more worrying, no more planning. My whole life I have always been caught up with what is coming up next. It will wear you out. I have always been the person to make plans for the weekend, or plan spring break. I always did it because I knew if I didn't then it wouldn't get done. My new years resolution was to stop planning! I did not plan anything for new years eve like I normally do! I told everyone that if they wanted to do something, then plan it, and let me know. They discussed what they wanted to do, but no plans ever came together. I think now they miss my sweet planning skills :o). But, believe me, it is so relaxing to not worry about planning. I take life as it comes. Every day is a different day, and each day holds new treasures. It makes living a whole lot easier. I am a stronger person when I live life one day at a time. I squeeze so much life out of each day. I do something that I love everyday. I either swim or paint or take pictures every day. I used to go to bed early each night because I was worried about being tired the next day. Now I find myself staying up past midnight, even when I have to get up at 5 for work. I just enjoy life so much, and I do not want each day to end! You really start noticing everything around you. How beautiful a sunset is, or how awesome my animals are. I like looking at the stars too. I get lost looking out into space. There is a lot to think about when you stare into space. How far does it go? Is there life out there? What is going on out there? It makes me feel so small. It amazes me that my God created such a beautiful piece of artwork for me. Night time would be so scary without the stars and the moon. Those little pieces of light make it magical, and not so scary. If you have not been outside and looked at the stars lately, I highly recommend it. 

It is so hard for a person to admit they have a problem. I would not say that I actually had a problem. But, in college I did plenty of things that I should not have. I got lost. I got caught up in fitting in. I went through a time where I thought I had to drink to fit into the crowd, to be cool, ya know? It was not me. I would drink and fit in for a little while. There was always this small voice inside of me telling me that I did not belong there. I would be out with a group of people, but I would feel invisible because nobody saw my true self. I think that is why I got so depressed. I could not be my true self, and I was screaming for help. It is super hard living in a college town, there are so many temptations. In the past year, I have seen how alcohol can tear apart someone's life. It broke my family, it was such a hard time for us. It is hard to see someone that you love struggle so much. I can 100% tell you that drinking alcohol is not worth it AT ALL! It can consume you so fast. It was fun at first in college, until reality set in. After going through everything, I hated being around it. I hated the smell of alcohol, I hated how it changed people. It will make someone a completely different person. I hated when someone could not have a conversation with me because they were too messed up. A lot of people looked at me different when I stopped going out, but that is o.k. I understand, and it does not bother me. They have not witnessed the bad sides of it yet. I pray that they never have to, but if they do then they will understand what I went through. They might one day understand why I left. I told everyone it was because of financial reasons, but that was a lie. I didn't want to reveal my weakness. Actually, I don't think leaving made me weak. It made me a stronger person. I realized that I needed to get away from it before it consumed me. 

It is so hard for me to look back. It is hard for me to accept the person that I used to be. I am not the same person I was then. Like Donald Miller says, a mind was made for change, it wasn't made to read the same page recurrently. I honestly think me moving home was my saving grace. I was rescued. I had planned my college experience going a little different than this. But, you never know what life is going to hand you. Sometimes you just have to make the best out of it and it will make you grow stronger.

I read the bible every night. I believe God has something beautiful for me to read every day. He sends me scriptures that I I am in need of hearing. Last night he sent me a great one. I think it was in proverbs, I am not completely sure though. I will look it up when I get home. But, it said that God will correct His favorite children. I felt so many strong emotions reading this passage. Sometimes I find myself asking God why he changed me. I wonder why I couldn't have been just like everyone else and could have continued to have a normal college experience. But, God has greater plans for me than that. After reading that passage it made me realize that. If God has a plan that He is determined for us to fulfill, He will make it happen. If we stray, He will do what He needs to do to get us back. He will correct his favorite children. How wonderful it is to hear that. How can I be a favorite child of this wonderful, never ending, great God. Why me? I have always felt invisible my whole life. I have never felt I was important for anything. Maybe I have been tuning out God's voice my whole life. He tore down a lot of things in my life to make me finally hear Him. To show me that He is the only way. I believe now more than ever that God has a this great big plan for me. I am not 100% sure what it is yet, but I can feel that it is something wonderful. 

I had a talk with an old friend last night. I asked him what he thought about God. I have never really been the one to bring up God in a random conversation with someone. Not that I was ashamed of Him, I guess I sometimes feel awkward bringing it up. God says that we have to go into the world and proclaim His name. I am working on doing that. I cannot keep this beautiful thing to myself, I need to tell everyone. But, back to what I was saying. We discussed our view of God. It is nice to talk to someone about it. A person cannot live alone, we have to communicate and feed off of each other. I told this friend something that I have never told anyone. I am so in love with God, but I am scared to death. Does that make sense? I love God, but at the same time I am scared out of my mind of Him. He is so powerful. I cannot wrap my mind around Him. But, I am also scared that I have already messed up so much in life, that I am not worthy of God's love. I know deep down inside that God could NEVER stop loving me. He forgives me if I ask. I just know that I cannot keep messing up and asking for forgiveness. I have to ask for forgiveness and do everything in my power to not go back to my sinful ways. It is tough. But, God never said it would be easy, right? The bible also says that it is good for man to have a fear of God. I do not know why this is so. But, I was glad to read this and know that fearing God is apparently normal?

I suddenly think that this 'photo blog' has become a blog of my spiritual and personal life. I know that I am posting this stuff on the internet for anyone to see. But, I am not ashamed of anything that I say. I feel I have a story to tell. and if even just one person reads it and finds comfort that they are not alone, then it is good for me. If no one reads it, that is o.k too. I love getting my thoughts out of my head!! :o)

What would you grab?

So it has been a few days since I have written, but let me tell you, life has been hectic! School has taken over my life this week! I had a Microbiology test on wednesday, and I also had to take the TEAS test. The TEAS is a test I had to take to get into nursing school. Apparently I did super super great on it! I was ecstatic to hear it. I was so nervous going into the test, because standardized tests are not my forte. I scored above average on all of the sections. I could not have asked for a better day! But, believe me, I prayed super hard for God to get me through it. And, He did!

I got out the camera yesterday and tried shooting some of the sunset. It is super hard shooting a good sunset. I played around with ISO and exposure.. but no shots turned out super great. But, maybe one day I will learn! :)I will add some of my favorites from the past couple of days as soon as I can!

So I have been obsessed with the group Tenth Avenue North lately. Their music is really good and uplifting. I watched the music video of the song 'By your side', that they did along with Billy Graham. It is a real eye opener. It starts out showing a man standing in the rubble of his house. He said that everything was destroyed and he had nothing left. Then it showed other various disasters (Katrina, 9/11. missing children.. etc). You could see the hurt in the people's eyes. I mean, I cannot imagine standing in the rubble of everything that had represented my life. Everything that was a sign of my existence. I think I would feel lost, not knowing where to start. I should probably get some type of fireproof safe for all of my irreplaceable items. Such as pictures of my grandparents and family, my grandmothers jewelry, or anything special like that. I think I could handle loosing most of my 'stuff'. But, if I lost things that help me remember my grandma, it would kill me. I often find myself laying in bed at night thinking what I would grab if I had 5 minutes to get out of the house. I know I would grab my camera, pictures, grandmas jewelry, my favorite stuffed animals. But, does any of this stuff really matter? I think loosing everything would show you that life is more important than stuff. We are the most important things on this earth.God loves us so much and has beautiful plans for everyone if they will just listen.Loosing everything has got to be a very humbling experience. Everything would not be gone though. God would still be there throughout the storm. 

God does not care what brand of clothes we wear, or how much jewelry we have. But, in today's world it is so easy to get wrapped up in the whole 'image' thing. I am not pointing fingers. I know I have done my fair share of worrying about getting the newest item. But, I am working hard to change that. I have done a lot of changing the past 3 years. I have lost touch with people that I used to be close with. But, sometimes to become a better person, you have to give up people that bring you down. I still love those people, but I cannot be around them anymore. I know they think I do not care about them. But, I do. I care so much about them. But, with everything that I struggle with, I am not strong enough to hang out with them. I have to become a stronger person before I can put myself in some of those situations. I working so hard on it.  

These lyrics are so powerful:

Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run

And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you
  -Everything that I have been through these past couple of years has definitely shaped me into who I am today. I know that love is all that matters. Love others and show them the way. When your whole life comes crumbling down, turn to Him. It is the one and only way.  Over and out..sarah elizabeth   

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All I can do is be me, who ever that is?

So this is my very first post. I guess that is pretty cool.
I used to blog my photos all of the time, but lately I have been in this weird stage where I do not do anything. So, I figured I would start a fresh new blog. I also used to keep an updated web page, and with my tight self, I was tired of paying for it each month. I am hoping since I made this blog, I will be encouraged to take at least one picture each day. This will also give me a reason to write more. I keep a journal, but with the pain in my arm, it is hard to write a lot.  I have found myself lately stuck in a monotonous routine, and it is killing me slowly. I finally decided, I need to do something about it. Taking photos may put a little life back into me. (since that is my passion and all). I have learned a lot in the past year. I have probably learned more about life and living in the past year than I have my entire life. But, the main thing I learn about is happiness. If you do not do what you love in life, you will never be happy. If you try pleasing everyone else, you will go insane. You have to do what makes you, and only you, happy. 
Yes, the past few years I found myself trying to please everyone around me. I wanted to get everyone’s approval. I got fake fingernails and went to the tanning bed. But, the truth is I bite my nails and I am scared to death of the tanning bed. I would dress up, go out and try to be spontaneous with the rest of my peers. But the real me would rather be in my pajamas at home watching the history channel. I am not spontaneous either. I like planning things, and I get bad anxiety when things do not have a schedule. Some people may think that makes me crazy, but that is o.k. So I have been working on doing what makes me happy. It is going alright, I guess?
It is kind of hard to ‘live my life’ in this small town. Sometimes I feel like a parrot in a cage, or a fish in a tank, or.. eh something like that. I want to get out, but I am literally trapped. I am waiting to hear from nursing schools, but what if I don’t get in? Then what? I have not really thought about the next step that I will take. I guess things will start to pan out in the next month. If I do not get accepted, I am taking it that God has a different plan for me at the moment. Don’t get me wrong, there are things about this beautiful town that I love. Since I have lived off on my own, it is sometimes tough to live at home again. But, I do love my parents. I love that my mom can cook so good. It is nice not to have to cook everyday. My dad is very creative. He can build anything. It amazes me. My church is another thing that I love. I am helping with the youth group, but what they do not know is that they are helping me. I love being around everyone and listening to what they have to say. They seem to know a lot about life. I wish I knew as much as they did when I was their age. I love my friends that I have here. I can count them on one hand, but it’s not about quantity, right? My whole life I have tried to surround myself with ‘friends’. I have found that you will be much happier if you simplify your life and the people in it. You should not surround yourself with meaningless relationships. It just complicates your life, and makes things harder. I am done with conforming myself to fit the standards of others.
But, that is enough about all of that.
I do not really know anyone else who is on this site. So, who knows if anyone will ever even read my words. I think I had one follower on my last blog. but it’s cool. I like getting my thoughts out.
Nice to meet you anyways—
sarah elizabeth
