So a lot has been on my heart lately. I have not really written anything on here recently either. I have just been trying to deal with all of these emotions. As my relationship with God gets even stronger, I learn more and more about how I need to live my life. But, I do not see most 'christians' living this way. It hurts me so bad. It hurts me to think that I used to call myself a follower of Jesus the way I used to act. But, I have changed. The Spirit has been working very heavily in my life lately. It is like someone turned on a light bulb. I suddenly get it. I suddenly understand how I need to be living. I am sorry this blog is all over the place right now. But, I am just writing as thoughts come to mind, and my mind is all over the place. Literally, I feel like I am going crazy.
I am currently doing a bible study about how the church today is in a crisis. I believe this is VERY much true. I see so many people attending church, but outside of church, their behaviors do not reflect anything of God. It is as if church has become a social event. People attend to chit chat and look good for the community. People, people, PEOPLE!!!! What is going on?! What are we doing? This is not what Jesus commanded us to do. Things are getting so bad, it overwhelms me to think of all the changes that need to be made.
First, I want to express my concern for materialism in today's world. We have so much stuff. Stuff. stuff stuff stuff. There is no other word for it. It is cluttering our life. With so much clutter, how can there possibly be room for Jesus? We tend to stuff Him on the top shelf of our closets where the rest the 'stuff we use only on certain occassions' is. We live in a world where you are defined by what you have. At least that is what most people think. When you really and truly devote your life to Jesus, you realize none of that stuff matters. You realize our life here is only a faint whisper of what awaits us in heaven. You realize that you do not need to newest clothes, or shoes, or even seven jackets to survive. Would you survive with one jacket? Exactly. I think you get my point. So, instead of sitting here complaining about the world having materialistic problems. I decided to start with my life. I am uncluttering my life. It takes a lot more time than I realized it would. I went through one closet at first. I pulled out a few things. Then I went through it again, and got a few more things. But, it still just did not feel right. So, I prayed, and went back in there one more time. Let's just say there is a lot more free space in that closet now. I am going to do this to every bit of my space. I am collecting everything that is cluttering my life. Literally. This is a huge thing for me. It is tough. Everyone wants nice things. Everyone wants to have the cutest clothes or newest style. So, cleaning out my closet was tough. There were things that I wanted to hold on to, but I knew I did not need. It is refreshing now though. I feel like I can start to breath again. I feel like I am taking the first step in the direction God is pulling me on this journey. I am having a yard sale, the stuff will be very cheap. The reason I am having a yard sale is because I am in desperite need to raise money for my Haiti mission trip. Everything that is not sold is going to go to a homeless shelter, or something similar. Materialism is a huge issue we need to deal with. People are out in the world suffering, while we worry about something silly that we do not need. Most of the world worries about how they will feed their family that day, while the rest of us worry about how we will get that new car. This is just a huge burdon on my heart right now. I have been praying for peace about this. I know there is so much to be done. I just do not know where to start. It is scary to think about it. People like their stuff. People do not want to give their things away. But, we need to share. We need to give to those less fortunate. By doing this, we can be closer to Jesus and more time to devote to Him.
I do not want to sound angry at all. I am just emotional about this issue right now.
We need a revolution. It is urgent.
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