Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ask for what you need.

I am sitting here at Mercer University at Passport camp with our youth group. It is only the first night, but I am very much enjoying my time here so far. I have really been stuck in a rut lately. I don't know how to describe it. I haven't been moving forward. Maybe I have moved a little backwards. I have just been so confused and almost lost. I feel like lately I have been trying so hard to figure out where to go next and what God has planned for my life. I have been trying so hard to seek out what is next for my life. I sit around and worry about where I will be next year, or how I will make something happen.
Tonight's message was on Matthew 7:7. Seek and ask and God will show you the way. But, have I been asking all of the wrong questions? Have I been asking God to show me where I will go in the future? I think I need to be focusing more on where He has me right now. I need to be focused on letting God mold me right now. It is like a painting. You can't start out with a masterpiece. You have to start out with strokes of paint, and let the pieces come together eventually. I need to stop worrying about where I will go in the future. I need to embrace where God has me now. I could be missing an important element that will help shape me into the person God has planned for me to be.
Anyways, that is just a little about what I am thinking at the moment.

What I have realized lately... God is so huge. Sometimes when I start thinking about who God is.. I can't even begin to understand Him. I know I will never fully understand Him, but I hope to learn more everyday. I want to seek and discover more and more every day. I have been stuck in a rut lately, and it has been very depressing for me. Everyday won't be wonderful. I need to learn to take the good days with the bad. Embrace everyday. Be open to what God has to show me each day.

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